I still have a lot to say about my time with Sir J, probably too much to cram it all in one entry, so this will probably be part 1 of...well at least 2.
Going out:
On Thursday, we went to Central Station for the Spankz evening. The event on its own is quite good, the basement is fairly clean and it has a good atmosphere. I liked that there was a screen that showed spanking videos.
As far as play was concerned, Sir J gave me a over-the-knee spanking as a warm up. After that he gave the boy he already played with (let's call him Rick) a similar spanking, with me on my knees right next to them. Rick is a nice guy and I enjoyed watching him suffer (and he suffered two more times under Sir J's hands that evening).
Later he used rope to attach my wrists to hooks in the (low) ceiling, and gave me a good beating. The hardest part wasn't really the pain from the beating (it was pretty hard, but nothing I couldn't handle), but the 'bullying' part at the end of the session. He slapped me all over my body (including my face), pushed me around, etc. It was not hard to take physically, but it was hard mentally. In a way, it made me angry...but I knew it was part of the scene, and that I wasn't really in danger or anything. I can't really say I enjoyed it, but it was interesting. If it was just a random master doing this, I probably would've used my safeword though, this only worked for me because it was with Sir J and I trusted him.
Now, what annoyed me most about the club were the people interfering with our game. In my case it wasn't so bad (even though Sir J had to really shoo off someone at some point), but poor Rick was being annoyed by others left, right and center. I think it actually annoyed me more than it annoyed them. I just hated to see their game interrupted. Most people did ask if they could have a feel or whatever, but some didn't, and that was just rude and bad club etiquette. It just really, really, really annoyed me.
Still, I would go back again with Sir J if he wanted me too.
Something I haven't talked about much in my daily entries is the headgear I got to wear. I don't think hoods, masks etc. will ever be a fetish of mine, but that doesn't mean I object to wearing them. The head harness/muzzle (you can see it on the pics) was generally comfortable enough to wear for a decent amount of time, but during the mummification session it did scrape some skin off my nose - nothing bad of course, and I only noticed it afterwards. I think it had something to do with opening and closing my mouth when I was licking and sucking things, the hood moved up and down a bit.
I spent some time in a leather hood, which went fine until I started sweating a lot and just wanted out.
I got to wear a gasmask as well, which was quite a unique experience. Very otherworldly, very...alien. In my opinion. It's like you're cut off from the real world, or like you're underwater or something. I want to try this again at some point, I definitely like the weirdness of it :)
I already said plenty of times I really liked this, but I still have a story to share. Both times I was mummified and left alone, I drifted off to...some other place, that place between being awake and dreaming, when you're still aware of yourself, but you're already dreaming. Not being able to see or hear anything helped with this of course. The first time I was mummified, the 'dream' was that I was in a train station, but still aware of being mummified. I looked around, and saw if I could ask anyone to cut me out of the plastic wrap. After looking at some people I decided to ask this old lady with a friendly face. I asked her if she could free me, so I could go to... wait, where am I supposed to go? Wait, I'm not in a train station, I'm on Sir J's bed! And that's how I came back to reality.
The second time I was mummified, something similar happened, although I can't remember the exact dream. It was related to a dream I had the night before, but again I was now aware of being mummified in the dream.
I wonder if other people have similar experiences... also, I think hypnotism or listening to hypnotic mp3s would be great during a mummification sesson.
Pup play:
It was something that I thought I would like, but, just like with mummification, it exceeded my expectations. It's just an entirely different dynamic compared to 'normal' BDSM play in my opinion. And as a pup, it allows both creativity and instinctiveness to create your own pup persona. Before the session, I never thought "hey, as a pup, I should be doing this, and that!", I decided I should just go along with whatever Sir J came up with, but in a pup mindset. Like, Sir J gave me underwear to play with, and I decided to hold on to it as much as I could - even though we played fetch with it as well. And of course he did that annoying thing where he pretended to throw it away, but still held it in his hand, and I got confused because I couldn't find it. Humans can be so annoying, grr.
Puppy play also relaxed me a great deal - so much that I actually fell asleep on two different occassions. So I was a lazy pup...but playful as well, and even though I was mostly in my own little headspace and hardly paid attention to what they were saying (apart from when Sir J was teaching me how to sit and 'shake hands'), I'm pretty sure they enjoyed me as a pup.
So yeah, it's definitely something I want to explore more.
More in a next update!
Review: Babygirl
I had some social media posts about this movie, but in case you missed
them, here’s a recap: Babygirl is a mainstream movie written and…
10 hours ago
Your thoughts are very interesting my friend and very nice you share them with us.
ReplyDeleteI used to think like you about clubs but through the experience you become more wise about them...lol. May be it is not your thing but I was thinking like this and finally I change opinion over the years. People can annoy you of course but if you trust your Dom then everything is easier. I have never been myself to Spankz but I have been to FetishBound and Feet on Friday, in the same club and I had great time (in FB more than one time of course...lol)
Mummification is like you describe it. Even myself who I am a bit claustrophobic I felt a bit in a dream world when I was mummified.
As for the pup play, I have done it only as top but I believe in the future I will have pup training as well :D It is interesting isn't it? :D
As always, thanks for your comment.
DeleteYou are right that I might change my opinion about clubs over time - maybe in 10 years or so I'll love going to clubs and maybe I will be looking for guys to spank myself heh.
Yes, I read your blog, you're now an owned pup? Congratulations, must not be easy to make that decision when you're used to being a top. I hope it will go well for you!
While playing in a club, much depends on the Dom to keep others away, though it is of course also a basic element of etiquette. I like clubs.
ReplyDeleteNo experience with mummification, but I recently got a chance to get locked up in a vacuum cube and a couple of inflatable tubes of various nature. Didn't exactly got the feeling you describe from mummification though. In one of the tubes, one with openings at well-chosen places, I found myself begging to be teased a bit more instead. I guess the maso in me was there again...