Blog talk: ever since May, I've had less and less viewers...I guess I don't do enough picture updates :P But I get comments on almost every entry which is much more important to me than the number of hits I get.
Right, now I have a couple of things I need to get off my chest.
I sometimes get these "you're so lucky!" comments concerning my adventures. They make me feel a bit uncomfortable to be honest. I partly agree - I am lucky that I can have these great moments with great people. Very lucky. Of course in some ways you make your own luck - it's not like all these moments just fell into my lap and I only had to unwrap my present so to speak. Everything involved preparation, talking (a lot) to people, and a not-so-nice dose of nervousness, doubt and fear on my part.
Now, the reason why I only partly agree with the "you're so lucky" comments: these were just moments. Hours, sometimes days. But then it's over. Then I go home. Alone. And I stay alone, until I go out again. A couple of months ago, I was in a very lonely mood and expressed my feelings in a simple french phrase: "seul et solitaire, comme toujours" (which would translate to something like "alone and lonely, as always"). Usually I can handle the loneliness, but I have my bad moments.
So who do I think are the truly lucky people here? The people who have met their soulmate and are in a happy relationship. For me, that's the true meaning of happiness. Just having someone who is there, who you love, and who loves you back. That's being lucky.
Another thing that makes me a bit "unlucky" if I can use that word, is that the people I care about the most live so far away from me. In theory, J (and London in general) is only about 4 or 5 hours away from me. But the trip always costs me quite a bit of money, otherwise I'd probably try to go at least once a month (until they get bored of me heh). It's not just J I want to see but also people that live even further away; I definitely want to spend some more time with TSkinBoot, both as a boi to him and as a friend, and I really want to meet up with Kaz at some point.
Something else. A while ago my little brother (Teen Caged) asked me about J, how I feel about him, how I feel about him having a boyfriend, etc. I don't think I gave him a good answer to any of his questions, also because I wasn't quite sure about my feelings.
Now that I met up with J again, some things have definitely become more clearer. I have to admit I did really have a crush on J, and looking back at it it's pretty easy to analyse. It definitely reached its peak the last 2 days I was him (in April). The visit to Master I was probably the highlight, and the day after was the lowest point heh. I was so incredibly disappointed in myself that I didn't let him fuck me, and I felt like a complete failure when I went back home. I felt really bad about it for days because I felt like I let him down. Part of me even wanted to break contact with him.
But all that just made me realise how deeply I cared about him - if I didn't I wouldn't have such strong feelings towards him. Anyway, after a while things went back to normal and now, especially after the second visit, I consider him to be a very very good friend. I don't have to pretend around him, he just accepts me for who I am ...a very quiet boy and a sub that has a lot to learn! (And as for the fucking - I think it was a good decision not to do it, it felt too rushed and I don't think I would've enjoyed it at that moment anyway. I definitely wasn't relaxed enough.)
And about his boyfriend: at first it was a bit awkward for me to be in a household like that, and for some time I wasn't really sure if he liked me being there. Which is something I definitely understand, J was obviously giving me quite a lot of attention, maybe attention that his boyfriend would've probably got instead. But I got the feeling he warmed up to me towards the end of my first stay. When I visited in July, I felt very welcome. I think I actually spent more time with him than with J! And I may or may not have a little crush on him hehe. He is a very hot boy, and has a very caring personality as well.... See, the first time I was jealous of him because J was his boyfriend, but this time I was jealous of J for having a boyfriend like that lol. But really, they are such a nice couple, it's so cute to see them cuddled up together watching tv. I mean, I'm pretty cynical when it comes to things like love (it's nothing more than a chemical reaction in your brain!), and I have all but given up on finding my 'soulmate' (another concept I only half believe in), but when I see them together... yeah, maybe there is hope.
I thought long and hard about this entry - I actually started writing it on the 27th of July - because it's very personal and I wasn't sure if I should just put all these thoughts out in the open. But I'm going to publish it anyway. Some of these thoughts have been circling around in my head for weeks now, I really needed to let them out.
Anyway, as for the next few updates: I've been thinking of doing another entry about the music I like, and some people have kindly asked me to continue my 'Skin' story...I guess I have work to do :)
Review: Babygirl
I had some social media posts about this movie, but in case you missed
them, here’s a recap: Babygirl is a mainstream movie written and…
2 hours ago
Very sweet entry, from a very sweet boi :-)
ReplyDeleteSometimes I feel the same loneliness, especially here in UK, and it is no good feeling for sure. I had been in a relationship for 10 years and I know that it is good to be with somebody who cares about you and you care about him. But there are always 'BUTS'. I broke with my bf very naturally and physically and we still remain very very good friends, mainly because of 'sex' incompatibility...and imagine that we did enjoy our sex together...but he is into vanilla sex and I am who I
And here in UK I have seen couples who I used to admire to have nasty problems with jealousy. I can understand it some how but sometimes is really pathological situation and total pain in the ass....people are insecure about their selves, confuse love with sex and that cause 'family' problems :)
Despite all the above I believe that you can find your other half but needs definitely luck. And in my opinion a relationship can have many forms...bfs, Sir-boi, boss-pup etc...but always the chemistry must be there, an open mind must be there and definitely a 2 way respect must be easy things but not impossible either.
Also I really want to meet you again and make you 'squirm' under my ropes and
And finally putt your ass down and continue the skinhead story...lazy boi...:-D
*sorry about the length of this comment;)*
I am not sweet...I'm more bitter lol.
DeleteThanks for the comment (don't apologise for the length!), you make some good points. A relationship is always a sort of "give and take" scenario, and if the balance is wrong the relationship is wrong as well I think. Like you said, two way respect, I think that's very important. Anyway, it's all very complicated really... and you are right that there is definitely luck involved. I see so many people "settle for less", like they just choose someone to be with just so they're not alone, even if they're realistically not very's sad, and I think I'd rather be alone then.
I look forward to squirming under your hands :D And I am lazy, please punish me for that next time Boss :)
Hi Rauber, my cyber big brother.
ReplyDeleteI have to tell that after I read this blog update. Is like...
Oooo, there is loneliness happening every where in this world and not only me. If You follow my blog, You probabily know what have just happen in i step into the mud of depression and.
I like the french
seul et solitaire, comme toujours
hmm, I guess sadness and loneliness comes and goes just like kinky and creativity. But, being loved and cared during that period just warmed me up. I couldn't go far away and experience nice friends like You and J and TSkin Boot? but remain self own, What i am able to get is from cyber, from Sir Marc, Roland You Etc etc. That is just make me feel like, alright I am not the only one, so be brave and keep breathing.
I somehow understand how hard that You post this out to public but
Thank You. Rauber.
May faith give me a chance to meet You in real and Hug You tightly.
boy 420-891-223
Hey little bro,
Deletebig hug for you. I know it must not be easy for you, but you must know that you are important to me as well, even if we have never met. We already talked on skype about this, so I'm just going to say: keep the faith!
Hi Rauber,
DeleteWell, It will never be easy, even If the right time have comes, and the first step will always be very nervous and hesitate, but i guess I will still find my way to conquer and get some fun. =)
I might not have the opportunity to meet people that easy, but consider that i am still young 19, Still a lot of time for me to experience life, and I am actually feeling that, I am lucky.
People like me, might not have all this lovely and caring comment, but I do, and even met some friends all over the world, doesn't this is good and fortunate?
Ha,I am just, I don't know.
When I feel happy, all my comment will be so positively, who knows when is next wave of sadness intrude? and that time, You will see my comment and replies full of anguish and agony.
Self-contrast? ha?
I don't know....
Thank You, although I am not really able to hug but, Yes I do wish that happen someday in my life, and all this boundary will just make that single hug very much precious.
I treasure Your cares and love.
Thank You.
boy 420-891-223
Rauber, many thanks for your most authentic posting. I can relate so very well to your situation in part, as I also have not identified my second half yet, living on my own for the meantime, trying to enjoy it best I can thereby. Sometimes I succeed, sometimes not so well. But I think, even while being in a relationship, there also will be happy and not so happy times. So I quit to try to force it, but instead trying to just do the best to enjoy my existance fully, regardless of circumstances beyond my control. I cannot make another person love me, I not even can make me love someone special. When the time comes, it will happen anyway. Only thing to do for me in the meantime is to avoid hiding myself, but exposing myself, which of course might be hurtful sometimes. But hey, no risk, no fun nor gain, as long as nobody gets seriously hurt. But as I read from your posting, you are much more advanced than me on that already, thereby motivating me to be even more open about me and seeking more real-life contacts thereby. So many thanks from my side once again for your wonderful posting!
ReplyDeleteWarm regards, Roland
As always, thanks for your comment Roland.
DeleteI also think it's best to take things as they come to you, like you said, you cannot force love.
I'm quite honoured that you feel inspired by me to be more open, and to seek out more real-life contacts. Again like you said, not everything might go well, but "no pain no gain", right? I think it's important that you do this though, it's not good to stay all closed in, and I hope you keep me updated with your adventures as well, be they positive or negative.
So sorry if i was one of the people that offended you with the comments about being lucky. i meant no offense. i recognize that you spend a certain amount of effort setting up those meetings. i was lucky to find my Daddy/partner but you would not believe the guys i met before finding Him.
ReplyDeleteDo not give up hope on finding you soulmate. i found Daddy as soon as i stopped looking. Literally, the first time i tried to set up a purely sexual hookup with no desire to have a boyfriend was when i found Daddy. I am confident that it will happen for you over time.
There's really no need to apologise, I wasn't offended at all by your comment, don't worry about it. Your comment only made me a bit uncomfortable, since I consider you to be a lot luckier than me, because you already found your partner. I know you meant no offence, really, don't worry about it :)