Not much to say today. We all got out of bed kind of late. I survived sleeping in handcuffs. I discovered I could slip out of them and showed Sir J - he wasn't pleased. What can I say, when it comes to handcuffs I'm a real Houdini!! ...Okay maybe not. Still thought I should show him instead of not mentioning it at all - an honest boy is a good boy, right?
Met up with a (vanilla) friend in the afternoon. Weather was awful, we still went for a walk and talked a bit. I was honestly feeling a bit down today, so I was probably even more quiet than usual. Oh well. I told him I'm horribly boring when he said he wanted to meet up with me, so he was prepared.
In the evening we all felt a bit tired - I already had a nap in the early evening but felt even more tired afterwards. Watched some tv until Sir J came home. Had some food, relaxed a bit, and Sir J played with me for a bit before going to bed, teasing me about getting fucked by him. Still in two minds about this to be honest, but Sir J knows and respects this. Got my daily before-bed-beating, still hurts but it feels good a couple of minutes later. My arse is still bruised from yesterday's beating...
Tomorrow will be another fairly boring day, will probably do the British Museum and maybe some other touristy things if I have the time and energy. Sir J is working late so play will be limited again.
Review: Babygirl
I had some social media posts about this movie, but in case you missed
them, here’s a recap: Babygirl is a mainstream movie written and…
10 hours ago
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