Yesterday I had my first bondage session with RopeMaster Willy. My Belgian readers might have heard of him, he's quite active in the Antwerp scene.

I found his profile on recon, and was very impressed with what I saw. So I asked if we could meet up, and only a couple of days later I nervously rang his doorbell. And this is what happened...
After showing me around a bit, I put on a hood for him, and we decided to start with tying me to a spanking bench. He spanked me and whipped me with at least 8 different whips, building it up really nicely. Every time I thought "this is hard, if he keeps this up I'll have to tell him to stop", he actually stopped hitting me before I could finish that thought. That already was an indication that I was being handled by a very, very experienced master.
For the second part, I was tied to the cross. I could hardly move anything, and realising that made me hard (first time in the session, oh boy). He put nipple clamps and clothespins on me. After a couple of minutes I really felt like I couldn't take that many more clothespins, so I told him (he very regularly asked if I was okay, by the way, another sign of a good, experienced master).

Then, for the last part, he put me in body bondage, with the goal to horizontally suspend me. This was the longest part of the session (and if you see the pictures below, you'll understand why). I was really impressed with his technique:

This is actually my favourite photo of the session, it was taken right after he finished with the rope bondage. He told me to look in the mirror and say what I thought. I was pretty much speechless at how I looked, I think you'll agree with me that it looks great. So this picture is basically me admiring his handiwork, surrounded by his tools.
As for the suspension...

I don't know how many of you have ever been suspended like that, but honestly, I can't recommend this enough. It was so, so awesome. Such a weird, but great feeling. Very relaxing in a way. He put on a blindfold (I had to take off the hood when I was lying on the floor, felt like I couldn't breath enough), and put on some relaxing music, and told me to enjoy. He swinged me from side to side sometimes, or spinned me around softly, it was really weird. In some ways, it made me feel like a kid again, and being on some sort of theme park ride for the first time. I know I keep repeating myself, but it felt great. I was smiling all the time.
So yeah, awesome session, I did a lot of new things, and I definitely want to go back and do some more. He's a busy master though, and Antwerp is quite far for me. It's going to be difficult to meet up again. I'm also not sure he enjoyed working with me - I'm a rather passive, quiet "model", and I actually only got hard a couple of times, and when he told me to masturbate at the end of the session, I just couldn't. I don't quite know why I felt really safe with him. And as you can see, I'm not the most attractive/athletic guy either. That tight rope bondage really exposes me for the fat pig I am. ...okay it's not that bad, but it still makes me feel more insecure about my body.
Also, there were more pics of this session, but I forgot to bring along a usb stick, and even if I did, I had to catch my train. Like I said, the distance between us is annoying.
Oh yeah, and here's the obligatory "the day after the spanking" picture:

Apart from those whip marks on my right side, it doesn't look that bad, but I certainly felt it. I also think the marks are more noticeable because I have such a pale skin. I read somewhere that pale skin breaks more easily and recovers more slowly, so that would also explain why the marks from the previous session lasted so long.
All in all, a great session I'll remember for a very long time.
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