January is somehow always the month in which I'm the horniest. I don't know why, is the weather, the darkness, some planetary phenomenon, or an increase of D-branes in the 11th dimension? (sorry, I just saw a show about the string theory and other theoretical, uhh, theories, so there)
Seriously, this happens every year. Last year it already started in december, this year it seems to have peaked about 10 days ago. That's when I discovered a new (well, sort of new) fetish: skinheads. Or rather, skinhead gear and boots. Yes, how random. Or not. I mainly blame Recon, for having very beautiful pics of skinheads. And a few friends on twitter also have this fetish and probably were an influence as well. And I read some skinhead-related stories on nifty/gay/authoritarian... I'm ashamed to admit that I masturbated 3 times in 24 hours, the last time that happens was...well, it must've been about a year ago! Maybe even two, it's certainly something extremely rare.
Anyway, I'm back to normal now. As normal as I can be. Actually, because of that sudden skinhead fetish, some of my older, darker fantasies have popped up again, and they're not actually unrealistic. I found a good site that might explain some things: http://mdfy.me/. I already had a nice chat with someone, but I'd definitely need a person I can see face to face when I want to go through with some of the things I have in mind.
And I had some fun with duct tape! Well, fun...duct tape is pretty awful for bondage really heh. Over clothes it's okay, but on the skin...yikes. Painful when you have hair everywhere like I do. There's a good video on youtube about that. The fun starts around 3:40. I also like some of the comments heh. There are actually quite a lot of bondage videos on youtube. Mostly non-sexual of course, but still.
I also took some pics of myself, but they were pretty boring/cliché. I had plenty of ideas but being alone, there was only so much I could do. I really need a local friend who is willing to help me out with some practical bondage stuff. The pics are on twitter, but they're not really worth being put on flickr or anything. I suppose this one is pretty funny though. Also because that morning, I had a a spider bite on my right eyelid, and it was swollen like crazy. I took that pic a few hours after waking up, the swelling went down pretty quickly but you can still see it somewhat.
After being deprived of any kinky meetups for about two months, I intend to do a lot of sessions in February. I already have three sessions planned in the first two weeks, and two more that are on hold. I received a lot of messages on Recon lately, it must be sub-hunting season or something. It remains to be seen how many are genuine (two guys already deleted their profile it seems). But I'll complain about that (again) in my next update.
Lastly, I noticed Bondissimo uploaded a lot of videos in the past two weeks. One of my favourites is the kidnapped sailor one. I had to laugh several times watching that. It's so...theatrical, you know? And I don't mean that in a bad way, I love scenarios like that, I would definitely want to do something like that as well. I really love the way he handles his 'victims', and the way he imposes himself on them (sometimes he's like a predator circling his prey!) My favourite part in this video is when the sailor has to kiss his boots. Shaking his head like he doesn't want to (he obviously does!), and being forced to do it anyway. I really like that dynamic between them.
That's all for now, I'll update again soon.
Review: Babygirl
I had some social media posts about this movie, but in case you missed
them, here’s a recap: Babygirl is a mainstream movie written and…
9 hours ago
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