Two unexpected things happened in my first week of lock up:
1) I got sick (some kind of flu, still suffering from it)
2) I got several people contacting me through recon, offering me a bondage session.
Thanks to be ill, I hardly had the time to be horny or anything. In fact, I didn't wear my cb on Tuesday and Wednesday night, and didn't even get a hard-on (although I probably got a morning erection, but not being in the cb I didn't feel it) . On the third day though, it just felt "wrong" to not be locked up, so I put it back on, and it hasn't come off since then, except to clean it. It made me realise that being locked up is no longer a kink, it's an addiction, something I NEED. Unless my future partner is very strongly opposed to me wearing one, I'm pretty sure I'll be wearing a chastity device of some sort for the rest of my life.
That reminds me, is anyone member of the cb3000 group on yahoo? They have a cb6000 hypnotism video. Well, it's a bunch of pictures, with a voice saying things like "you feel good when you're in the cb6000. You ALWAYS want to be in the cb6000" etc. I think it's pretty good, but it's only about the cb6000. You know, if I was a keyholder to someone, I'd make a similar mp3 file, but personalised and adjusted to whatever chastity device he's wearing, and I'd force him to listen to it 3 times a day. I'd try to make him feel good about being locked up, saying that locked boys are good boys, and that I'm proud of him. Stuff like that. I think the boy would enjoy that, especially if it's a long-distance relationship.
Anyway, just one of those ideas I get. Funny how I get these while I'm locked up myself.
If anyone wants that cb6000 hypnosis file without joining the group, let me know, I'll try to upload it somewhere (or send it straight to your email, it's less than 3MB).
The recon thing then. Well, I've had an account there for over a year, but I really only registered there, made a profile, and then never came back. Until I saw a link to someone's profile somewhere on this site. Logged in, updated my profile a bit, and went back offline. The next day, I logged in again, and saw a message from someone. Asked me what exactly I was looking for, etc. I did a very long reply, and asked him what he was offering. He said he's offering me bondage training, taking it slow at first, playing it safe, etc. so I was definitely interested. We were going to meetup on Wednesday, but by that time I was pretty ill, so I asked him to do it next week. He agreed.
Talked to him on the phone a couple of times, he seems nice enough. About the only "negative" thing about his is that he's 50, which is a bit older than what I'm normally looking for. But yeah, I told him it's not about sex or anything, I just want to have a bondage session. I'm really looking forward to it, but I'm really nervous as well. And when I'm nervous, I do stupid things, so I hope I don't embarrass myself.
Oh yeah, and I asked him if he wanted to take pictures of me all tied up, and he agreed! I'm quite happy with that, I have a couple of good pics I took of myself (long live the self-timer on cameras!) but it's going to be nice to get some new ones from an actual bondage session.
That's all I have to say for now. Next update will probably be on tuesday (unless my bondage date ends up being a serial killer that is).
Review: Babygirl
I had some social media posts about this movie, but in case you missed
them, here’s a recap: Babygirl is a mainstream movie written and…
9 hours ago
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