July 20, 2011

blog talk

I noticed blogger now has its own visitor counter thing, so I activated it to see how many people visit this blog. I'm quite surprised with the results, around 350 this week alone. I have another "geek" blog, which I started 2 weeks ago and that only got about 70 visits in total - and I bet half of those was just me checking again and again if the layout and other things looked good whenever I made a small change.

Anyway, back to this blog. It would be interesting to see (for me at least) which entries get the most views. Wouldn't be surprised if it were the 3 bondage session updates. I went through my post history, and to be honest, there's nothing really that interesting here. There are far better written, more informative blogs out there, and people looking for masturbation material are better off elsewhere.
In my opinion, there's always something double-edged about a public blog. I use a blog like this mostly to just get things of my chest, not unlike this entry. But then I know people actually read my blog, and sometimes I worry about that too much. I start thinking about the quality and content of my blog (ie. is it too boring? Not enough pictures? What should I write next? What do my readers want from me?), and the more I start thinking about that, the more I feel like not writing anything at all! And when I feel like writing something, I think too much about what I should or shouldn't write - which defeats the initial purpose of this blog, which was made so I could have my own little corner on the internet where I could freely talk about my kinky desires and fantasies.

Conclusion: I should stop thinking so much about things that don't matter at all. From now on, I'll write whatever I damn well please!!


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