This blog is where I talk about all my dirty little secrets. My sexual fantasies, my kinks, my submissive feelings, my desire to be locked in chastity. I also talk about bdsm sessions.
Review: Babygirl
I had some social media posts about this movie, but in case you missed
them, here’s a recap: Babygirl is a mainstream movie written and…
Chain Gang – Part 09
By slaveobjectx I tell this story yet I have no name. I am addressed only
as slave. I said I would survive but now I will tell you how I did. I had
CP Community Empowerment
I'm good enough, smart enough, & doggoneit people like me.*
There's all sorts of reasons we get Spankings. And there's plenty of
reasons a Man Who Spank...
Mister Steeeeeeeed
At least the sex was good. Right?
As I stumble out into the rain and orient myself, I repeat the question
again and again. Not willing to linger ...
Cadet's dark secret (Part 2)
Chapter 1: "The Silent Current"
The canal stretched out beside Ian, its dark waters barely visible beneath
the dim streetlights that flickered sporadically...
AI image as a reference...
When I saw the image created by ZonRockthur (on X) using AI technology
(but not only, of course), I felt the urge to do my own version of the
displayed ...
3 months / 13 weeks / 91 days
Today marks 3 months. The only thing I want to change is to transition to
a smaller device. I bought the Cherry Keeper Touchstop - Small that is
Monday, March 15, 2021
it is monday, oh the time change is not helping one bit! this blog was
supposed to hit this morning, but it’s not hitting until this afternoon!
today blo...
Why Has Sex Addiction Become Such a Problem?
The American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists
(AASECT) has just released a short position statement that says: It is the
Cashboy Cab
Sunday, July 28th, 2019 This evening I went to pick up a young 20-year-old
nonbinary I was chatting up online, (they don’t mind me calling them “boy”
in th...
My daily mantra to her while at her feet
My wife and I thought it was important for us to have daily rituals to
remind us who's in charge. I suggested saying a mantra/affirmation in the
morning ...
Sub night
Last night I had a date with my lovely wife. She and I are getting on well
these days, very in much love.
Only this was no ordinary date, this was an intim...
Business Trips to KL and Taipei
Last year, I got a new job which required me to travel for meetings
overseas. I made use of the opportunity to meet up with guys whom I had
chatted with p...
October's Locktober Is Here!
It's that time of year again when it's time to challenge that submissive
man, husband, boyfriend, or boy toy to the ultimate challenge - Locktober!
Mind Map
Blogging feels weirdly antiquated now. Online kink, at least for me, has
become intwined in Twitter, Tumblr Bdsmlr, Instagram, and Fetlife. Even
Telegram a...
Bdsm camp 2019 day 6
It was thursday all ready. A lot of campers knew this week was ending do a
lot off appointments had been made.
Sorry guys here it ends for now……….
i’ll ...
Worship Targets
This post is part of a series, which is designed to present slaves with
targets that they can work towards meeting in order to better themselves.
No timeli...
It's been a while
For the most part I stopped updating this because other platforms seemed
to be better for posting and sharing things, for instance, Tumblr, where I
could ...
Vacation Musings
Right now I'm in the Caribbean aboard one of the largest cruise ships in
the world.
Along side me onboard are some five thousand predominantly gay males o...
951 joins the household.
Today I added a new slave to my service. 951 is a boi from Leeds who
re-established contact today. This is the second slave that I have had who
has had...
What's Missing?
I’ve noticed, over the past year, a steady decline in my satisfaction with
my own kink life. Slowly, I began to feel less and less fulfilled by my
kink exp...
Making It Tighter
Your chastity cage, I mean. I know how it is, many of us (me included) feel
that we don't have “enough” when it comes to filling a woman during
Graffiti Art
You can travel almost anywhere in the world, and you will probably see
graffiti. Although graffiti art is usually more common in big cities, the
reality i...
bye bye Panskin
As well as this blog (and various social media accounts) my partner and I
have also maintained a personal homepage for many years at
The ren...
The last few days have been making me want to take stock of what I value:
not abstract concepts that can be thrown under an umbrella term and merely
Dick doppleganger
When the internet was new to me, and the world of porn was discovered. This
guy was one of the first that I remember seeing. I remember thinking, at
Prostate - Milking vs Orgasm
Hello old friends, it has been too loooong a time. I hope you're all having
fun adventures on your journey around the sun. I am glad that blogger
didn't ...
December 2016
Dec 4
We had a very nice horny night at home. Spent hours in our playroom, using
all kinds of dildo's and His fist to get all the shit out of slave's ass.
Muscled boy put to good use
Taken from This is what makes things right in
the world. a muscle boy on its knees learning my boots. Collared and
wearing ha...
Confessions of a Bail Agent
I've been in this business for more than 20 years and the eerie silence
seconds before a judge reads a verdict is a moment I'll never get used to.
It's am...
Addressing the elephant in the room
So it's been a long time since I last updated.
*Like a really long time.*
So I figured it's about time I acknowledge and offer some insights into
what has...
Stack for Stag: Preparing for the big day
I was exhausted, practically weak. Two of our friends had to help me get to
the bedroom although I suspect it was less about them being worried I'd
pass ou...
Hero Cops 7
Hi, remember me? You do? Cool! :)
Here is the newest Hero Cops video that I have put together. I hope (if you
are still reading) that you enjoy it. As alwa...
It's been a long while since I geared up and got on a mat. This Thursday I
just might.
If you're in the Toronto area and want to pup out in a friendly grou...
How An Entrepreneur Should Approach An Investor
the dark circles around the eyes, and a the you and Les inventory along
increasing are not limited to just their money.When you find a company that
can ...
Things 1993 Film Online Anschauen
Things Film Online Anschauen. Things Film Kostenlos. Things Film Online
Schauen. Things Film Online Stream Deutsch
[image: Bilder von Things]
Filmnamen : ...
Found - Mein Bruder ist ein Serienkiller (2012)
Voll Streaming Found - Mein Bruder ist ein Serienkiller in Bester QualitätJetzt
können Sie genießen Found - Mein Bruder ist ein Serienkiller in Top-Qualitä...
I made It from 5:12pm until 9:57pm. I had a bit of pinching thrn so I
decided to remove it. I think the golden rule is to NEVER rotate the base.
Not That Boy
So it's no secret that I haven't written in a while. Even before my last
post in March, I've been strugging to come up with something to write about
for th...
The Goddess wants to play - Part 2 (E)
Courtesy of Who's Sorry Now? via Lunar Black - Desire for Submission and
Hmmm… Where was I in our delightful scene… More than time for me to fini...
Brooklyn Duplex Renovation By Spacecutter
A dilapidated mid-1800s tenement has been totally restored and rejuvenated
with modern day design. This urban dream home resides in the vibrant,
Woof from Czech Republic
Hi all ,
Seems I have neglected this blog post . I decided to start up again and
well lots to catch up on . So where to begin i wonder ?
*March - May 201...
This short visualization of a rubberpigobject's life was sent to me by my
pig living in Seattle.
"pig" came the first announcement from the dark.
"pig, c...
Nouveau blog
Salut à tous, Comme vous le savez depuis un moment, le bâtard sous l’ordre
de ses Maîtres, à changé de blog et quitte wordpress pour erog afin de
créer un ...
A start...
How desolate is the heart that cannot love
And does not know the madness of passion.
If you do not love, what sun can warm you,
Or what moon comfort y...
An Answer
I want to engorge my spirit on each morsel of the seventeen courses you
offer to cook and be enchanted by the ground, course spices of you. I want
to be lo...
A simple farewell...
As I said in my last post, the Her in this blog is changing. S (who I now
call Precious) and I have embarked on our own D/s journey together. With
that end...
Hey all,
Google pulled a very douchey move by changing their terms of service
regarding adult blogs (they're deleting them) so I'm jumping ship and
Your attention please.....we've moved!
This will likely be our last post here, so please set your bookmarks to ,
or, if you want to bypass the warning page, set ...
Being a gay Leatherman, I am going to discuss fisting as it relates to my
play. What is fisting? The short answer to that question is the insertion
of ...
A nazi, riding a rather well hung t-rex
So, this happened. I had no plans to make this, but as Isaid before, this
garden project is all about spontanious bursts of creativity. In face,
soon a...
Signing Off
One reason why I stopped watching TV about twenty years ago was the
irritating accompaniment to its banality called *laugh track*. The other
reason was t...
Lately I've been so incredibly busy, working 2 jobs, having some semblance
of a social life and working on a new webshow with some friends, that I've
had b...
I think....
that I'm going to abandon the blog all together, and move to tumblr.
I haven't made any super long posts in forever, and it seems like quick
updates and pi...
Ryan Jackson’s great stretch Chapter 9
Ryan Jackson’s great stretch Chapter 9
Standard Rules and licensing applies.
This story comes from the depths of my mind.
Previously on Ryan Jackso...
Happy 2013!
We have a tradition here in Texas, USA that says whatever you are doing at
midnight on New Year's Eve is something you will do for the majority of the
little bit now.
Master ... wow haven't called my husband that in a long time. I'm only
using it here because I don't think I have used his or my name on here.
Maybe. Not s...
Another Location Bondage
Yay! We did another location bondage!
Here are the details.
Daddy indicated a few days earlier that He was interested in doing another
location bondage...
Idea for a monitored chastity device
I was browsing around when I came across this: *Full Black Peeping Box
Chastity Cuff*
I think the device is pretty cool... impractical, but pretty ingenio...
Forgiveness and Manumission
I have always been happy with the behaviour of My slave 457 - except on the
odd occasion where discipline has been necessary - like the time he was
Ace Update: Another Birthday
It's not a candle, but...*insert blowjob pun here*
Holly crap, today is my birthday! The big two three. I honestly feel a bit
surprised at this one. It see...
Slave contract :)
1.1 Binding Agreement
This document, dated Ninth day of September 2012 (herein known as the
"start date"), is a five year contract of voluntary...
Violent Power Fucker #1
Hi! My name is Rodger. I’m 24, white, 6 foot 1 and about 195 pounds. I’m in
pretty good shape. I run 5 miles a day and lift a few days a week at the
gym. I...
Even bigger gap this time.
No surprise that my Master gave up on me in the end, so I've been free for
this last while. It's been good, if lacking in focu...
I'm back!!
So I'm back in chastity. I've been in for about 2 and a half weeks. I'll
be getting out during IML as far as I know but that's about all that I
know. It...
London SkinFest 2012
[image: Thalis1_s]Second weekend of March I was in London for the SkinFest
( and I would like to share some
Twitter Ruined My Orgasm
*I like wanking.*
Everybody likes wanking, wanking is brilliant. Alas when you’ve spent ten
years being a kinky sod, your wanks get kinkier too.
Closing This Blog - Find Me On Tumblr
Hello All! Yes, alive and well here. Very well here. Whoring as usual and
busy with my usual activities (school, sex, sleep - rinse/lather/repeat). I
The story between Cam and I so far...Part 3
It was 4th of July weekend. (Actually, it was the 2nd because the 4th was
on a Monday) I was pretty excited because my friend C was having a little
get t...
The new blog!
I've started the new blog!!! It will be rather different than this one
chronicling the last year I had in chastity, but I'm excited about it and I
hope th...
POLL! - Hottest Deadliest Catch Captain
Every gay, kinky man I know (that I have asked) watches Deadliest Catch on
Discovery Channel. Now there is no way you can tell me these people are
New Blog
So, my attempts at another year failed but my loyal readers must know I've
started a new blog all about male chastity.
I'll ...